Golden Dinosaur Jars @thediyday

I have gold fever.  It’s like I’ve been painting the town gold!

First off, I finally took the time to clean off my desk. I even took a razor to scrape off all the paint! It took me about an hour and it looked amazing…for about 20 minutes. Creating gets messy!

Then I started brainstorming ways I can keep my desk mess free. Although it seems rather impossible for me, I need to get in the habit of putting my supplies away. I tend to leave markers here, erasers there, and a stockpile of paper scraps just about everywhere else.  Then the markers become markers and adhesives, the erasers become erasers and paints, and all of a sudden my desk is full and I have a very tiny spot to work around.

I came up with an idea of placing a few eye-catching statement pieces on my desk in hopes that it will entice me to keep the clutter off of my desk. It’s only been a few days and the eye-catching pieces are really doing the trick. I decided to upcycle a few jars with spray paint and adding cute little plastic dinosaur figurines right on the lid. Check it out.


Step One

To prep, I placed some cardboard boxes on the floor in my garage. Newspaper works too, but we have a bunch of empty boxes from our move. Although the lids were already gold, I wanted the lids and the dinosaurs to match. So, I sprayed a couple of light coats of gold spray paint (any color will do though) over the dinosaurs and the lids of the jar. I waited about an hour before applying the next coat. FYI, I bought the dinosaurs from the Dollar Store and it came in a set of 4.

Golden Dinosaur Jars @thediyday

Golden Dinosaur Jars @thediyday

Golden Dinosaur Jars @thediyday

Step Two

After the lids and dinos were fully dry, I placed hot glue onto the feet of the dinosaurs and stuck them onto the lids. It’s that simple. What should I put in the jars? Candy, craft supplies, or just leave them empty?

Golden Dinosaur Jars @thediyday

Golden Dinosaur Jars @thediyday