The Minimalist Journal Layout @thediyday

It’s official, we’ve lived in Michigan for a full month. Usually January drags on forrrrrrrrrever, but not this time. It’s been the fastest, quickest, and coldest month of my entire life. I’m loving it!

This week is the coldest by far. My weather app shows the high for today is -3° and the low is -15°.  After factoring in the wind, the feels like temperature on the app shows -30°.  I’ve never experienced negative temperatures before.  I can’t imagine -3° and -30° feeling that much different.  Freaking cold is freaking cold.  Right?

All these new experiences must be documented.  Hey, I’m a newbie to all of it and I really appreciate the drastic differences between a California winter vs. a Texas winter vs. a Michigan winter.

Going outside is a major chore.  When I take Cinco (my dog) out to relieve himself, I can’t just put on my flip-flops like I would in California and Texas.  Here I need to dress for the right conditions, even if it’s only for a few minutes.  I need to dress my dog in his winter wear and then I need to put on my coat, gloves, scarf, and my snow boots.  It’s an entirely new process.  I never understood the reasons behind a mudroom until now.

I am a total homebody so being indoors is not a bad situation for me at all.  I will not ever complain about sitting in my office and creating all day.  It’s my dream come true!

Speaking of creating,  I was recently given a journal layout challenge (have a challenge in mind? Email me at  To create a spread using the least amount of supplies possible.  Aside from the journal, all I’m using is a black pen and a protractor. That is it – check it out.


Step One

Because I’m using minimal supplies, I wanted to create a layout that included some fun and simple designs. I decided to go with geometrical abstracts. The easiest way for me to create the look was to make many different sized triangles on each side of the notebook with a protractor and a Tombow Mono Drawing Pen (03). The reason I decided to use a protractor over a standard ruler is because the protractor is bendable and flexible, perfect for the hard to reach areas closest to the bind.

The Minimalist Journal Layout @thediyday

Step Two

After drawing the triangles, I drew lines inside each one to create an abstract effect. The lines go in all sorts of directions giving a neat visual.

The Minimalist Journal Layout @thediyday

Step Three

Last, I created eight boxes for each day of the week and one for notes, lists, or doodles.

The Minimalist Journal Layout @thediyday

The Minimalist Journal Layout @thediyday

This challenge was a bit time consuming with all of the line doodles, but I enjoy the fact that not many supplies are needed to create…it’s all about imagination.